Question: You want to set a notification for service spend in GCP. What do you do, and who will be notified?

  1. Use the GCP Billing console Budgets section to set a billing alert. The billing admin will be notified if the alert threshold is exceeded.
  2. Use the GCP Billing console Budgets section to set a billing alert. The organizational admin will be notified if the alert threshold is exceeded.
  3. Use the GCP Organizational console Budgets section to set a billing alert. The project admin will be notified if the alert threshold is exceeded.
  4. Use the GCP Organizational console Budgets section to set a billing alert. The organizational admin will be notified if the alert threshold is exceeded.

Answer: The correct answer of the above question is Option A:Use the GCP Billing console Budgets section to set a billing alert. The billing admin will be notified if the alert threshold is exceeded.