Question: You need to update the data within an existing database in Azure SQL with your changes. You want to test this process from your development workstation before incorporating the update into your CI/CD process. Which command will you run to update the schema on the target database?

  1. SqlPackage.exe /TargetFile:" myapp.bacpac " /Action:**Export**
  2. SqlPackage.exe /TargetFile:" myapp.bacpac " /Action:**Import**
  3. SqlPackage.exe /TargetFile:"./myapp.bacpac" /Action:**Publish**
  4. SqlPackage.exe /TargetFile:"./myapp.bacpac" /Action:**Extract**

Answer: The correct answer of the above question is Option A:SqlPackage.exe /TargetFile:" myapp.bacpac " /Action:**Export**