Question: You created a VPC that has a public subnet and a private subnet. A web server was placed in the public subnet and a database server was placed in the private subnet. The web server is able to connect to the database server; however, the database server at is unable to get software updates. What is the cause of this issue?

  1. There is no NAT gateway for the private subnet, so the database server has no routes that give it public internet access to download software updates.
  2. The database server needs to be assigned a public address from the pool, or assigned an Elastic IP similar to the instance
  3. The router is not configured properly on the VPC. Add a route to route table for the VPC that routes all traffic for to the ID of the internet gateway.
  4. There is no egress-only internet gateway attached to the private subnet of the VPC.

Answer: The correct answer of the above question is Option A:There is no NAT gateway for the private subnet, so the database server has no routes that give it public internet access to download software updates.