Question: You are hosting an application configured to stream media to its clients on TCP ports 3380-3384, 3386-3388, and 3390. The Inbound tab below shows three incoming security group policies attached to this instance. Which policy should you use?

  1. The rule that exposes TCP ports 3380-3390 would also publicly expose port 3389 (RDP) to the entire internet. Write separate rules to only expose the needed ports.
  2. The first security group rule allows all traffic into this instance. Exposing your entire instance to the whole internet leaves the server open to various attacks of the other services running on different port numbers.
  3. Verify that the AWS account owners actually control the entire CIDR C block for and these are secured IPs for RDP access into this instance.
  4. There are no recommendations to make.

Answer: The correct answer of the above question is Option A:The rule that exposes TCP ports 3380-3390 would also publicly expose port 3389 (RDP) to the entire internet. Write separate rules to only expose the needed ports.