Question: How would you search an entire workbook with **Find & Select**?

  1. On the **Home** tab, click **Find & Select > Find > Options** (Windows) or **Find & Select > Find** (Mac). Change the **Within** drop-down to **Workbook**.
  2. On the **Home** tab, click **Find & Select > Find > Options** (Windows) or **Find & Select > Find** (Mac). Change the **Look in** drop-down to **Workbook**.
  3. On the **Home** tab, click **Find & Select > Find > Options** (Windows) or **Find & Select > Find** (Mac). Change the **Search** drop-down to **All**.
  4. You cannot search an entire workbook - you must search the worksheets individually.

Answer: The correct answer of the above question is Option A:On the **Home** tab, click **Find & Select > Find > Options** (Windows) or **Find & Select > Find** (Mac). Change the **Within** drop-down to **Workbook**.