Question: How does the built-in `ngIf` structural directive change the rendered DOM based on this template syntax?

  1. The `
    ` acts as a placeholder. If the product class field is "truthy," the `
    ` will get replaced by just the `` value; if not, then nothing will get rendered.
  2. The `
    ` will always be rendered, and if the product field is "truthy," the `
    ` element will contain the `` value; otherwise it will render the `
    ` element with no value in it.
  3. It produces an error, since ngIf is not a built-in structural directive.
  4. If the product class field is "truthy," then the rendered DOM will include the `
    ` with the value of the `` field. If it is not "truthy,' the rendered DOM will not contain the `
    ` element.

Answer: The correct answer of the above question is Option D:If the product class field is "truthy," then the rendered DOM will include the `

` with the value of the `` field. If it is not "truthy,' the rendered DOM will not contain the `
` element.