Question: How do you assign an Elastic IP to several EC2 instances?

  1. In the VPC dashboard, click Elastic IPs. Select the Elastic IP and click Associate Address. Select each EC2 instance you wish to assign this address to.
  2. In the EC2 dashboard, click on EC2 instance. Under Actions, select networking > Manage IP Addresses. click to add a new IP address and type in the address of the Elastic IP. Repeat the process for each EC2 instance you want to assign this Elastic IP to.
  3. Use the AWS CLI and pass in several '--instance-id' options to hte aws ec2 assosiate-address command.
  4. An elastic IP cannot be assigned to multiple EC2 instances. It can only be assosiated to a single EC2 instance.

Answer: The correct answer of the above question is Option D:An elastic IP cannot be assigned to multiple EC2 instances. It can only be assosiated to a single EC2 instance.