Question: Application Load Balancer can route traffic to several different target groups based upon several conditions. Which of these use cases is not supported by Application Load Balancer?

  1. A request with a HTTP header of X-Requested-With: staging can be routed to a target group for an ECS service in your staging environment.
  2. Source IPs matching on a listener port of 1433 can be routed to a target group for an RDS for SQL Server cluster.
  3. A path of /signup\* can be routed to a target group for a Lambda function that processes new user registrations.
  4. An Http POST query string of ? action=createuser can be routed to a target group for an ECS service.

Answer: The correct answer of the above question is Option D:An Http POST query string of ? action=createuser can be routed to a target group for an ECS service.